CBPS organised a Dissemination workshop titled “Conversation among Equals?” An evaluation-based research on Mahila Samakhya in Bihar and Karnataka organised in India International Centre, New Delhi on 16 February 2018.
This workshop was conducted to share the findings, policy implications, and insights from our study titled Together We can: Assessing the Impact of Women’s Action Groups on Social Change in India. The study was conducted in two states – Bihar and Karnataka using a mixed-method approach. After presenting the findings of the study, the three panel discussions that followed allowed for a number of prominent researchers, academics and policy makers to engage and contribute to a rich discussion regarding policy design, processes, and evaluation techniques with special attention to empowerment programmes. Some of the major themes that were discussed was the political economy of policy making, the contributions of research to policy, the integrated approach to understanding women’s empowerment, and the ethical obligations of evaluation studies.